Carl Neuman

July 7, 2016Chris Bump

Since hiring Property Management Executives and Chris Bump, owning rental properties has become enjoyable and more profitable. Over the past five and a half years rents have been collected on time, monthly statements arrive at the end of the month and year end statements are accountant ready. Repairs are handled professionally and timely by Chris’s maintenance staff and our tenants are happy, happy ,happy. Vacancies are quickly rented with well qualified tenants which has improved the cash flow on the properties. Chris is an extremely knowledgeable property manager and has handled all utility and management challenges professionally. Thanks Chris Carl & Stella

We believe an eviction should never occur since we choose highly qualified tenants based on a very thorough application process. If we ever have to evict a tenant that we choose, we will pay the eviction fees up to $1500.00. Terms & conditions apply. Please contact us for more details.